Welcome to Zona
A different approach to the body
A better approach to health
As demands and diets change in this modern world, the body and the need to care for it remain the same. As a wellness strategist, I strive to understand each individual fully, creating better insight, better solutions, and a better life.
I take a holistic and backed by scientific research approach to addressing a wide array of health issues. My goal is to gain a personal understanding and partnership with each client by creating a therapeutic relationship essential to discovering optimum health, performance, and wellness.
After being bounced around or not listened to, my clients are relieved to find me. To me, you are not just a number. I take great effort to get to know each client as the unique person they are, ensuring them better results.
There is an Answer. I can help you.
Welcome to Zona
A different approach to the body A better approach to health
As demands and diets change in this modern world, the body and the need to care for it remain the same. At Zona Wellness, we strive to intimately understand each individual fully, creating better insight, better solutions, better life.
Our clients are happy to find us. At Zona Wellness, you are not just a number. We take great effort to get to know each client as the unique person they are, for better results.
There is an Answer. We can help you.
~ Mike F.
What Sets Me Apart:
I take an integrative, holistic and science backed, approach to wellness.
I ask detailed questions specific to you and your life in order to make connections, create personalized wellness plans and educate my clients on their body’s deeper intricacies. I listen.
The fast paced conventional model takes a one size fits all approach, sees each body system separately, and falls short of seeing the big picture.
Many who find me are fed up with the mass-produced commercial medical system that isn’t listening to them, getting bounced around to different specialists, and tired of not understanding what’s going on in their bodies and how they can feel better.
Clients seek my help for a wide array of health concerns. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn digestive issues, weight loss resistance, hormonal imbalance, pain, how well you are aging, or another concern, I design a unique wellness plan for you and your goals. Whatever your challenges, I have answers.
I offer lasting solutions for my clients by understanding and addressing the underlying root causes of their symptoms and health concerns. I get to know You.
Working with clients located anywhere,
via phone or virtual sessions
- Health Coaching
- Functional Nutrition
- Natural Remedies
- Wellness Plans
- Holistic Health
- Medical Massage
- Group Lunch & Learns
- DIY at-Home Lab Testing
As Your Personalized Health Strategist, I’m
Here to Help You Take Control of Your Health

I analyze the root causes to uncover what is needed to restore balance to the body naturally.

Easy DIY at-home lab tests give us useful data that I can apply to your individualized protocol.

LOW Energy OR Brain Fog
Addressing the root causes of these symptoms will lead to a life full of abundant energy and vitality. You don’t have to feel tired all the time. Let’s figure out what’s going on.

Chronic Pain
Unlike most practitioners who are limited by looking at chronic pain only through the lens of one focus area, I can see it from multiple angles. My training is in many modalities enabling me to view chronic pain from various vantage points for a truly integrative approach.

Posture & Exercise
Many people exercise before correcting muscular imbalances, leading to further stress on the body and risking more pain and injury. Others are exercising harder than what is ideal in their current state of health, leading to further imbalance. I create wellness plans that include the right amount of movement for optimal health.

Digestive Issues
- Bloating
- Acid Reflux
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Poor Absorption of Nutrients
- Candida – SIBO
- Leaky Gut
- Food Sensitivities

Although it is normal for our hormone levels to decline as we age, imbalances in the body can strongly influence them as well. Addressing the underlying causes will have a significant impact.
- Low Testosterone in men & women
- Estrogen Dominance in women & men
- Endocrine & Adrenal Balance
- Hormonal Imbalance

Weight Loss
Traditional health coaches focus on behavioral modification and habit change. My approach is not to be a cheerleader but rather to figure out where the body is struggling, making weight loss difficult. A body with balanced systems can more easily lose weight. We'll consider; thyroid, metabolism, hormones, deficiencies, toxicities, blood sugar & lifestyle.

~Combined with Virtual Sessions for your convenience~

Lab Testing Available
These are different than the typical labs your PCP is doing. These are not checking for disease. They give us an enormous amount of other information that point us in the direction of the underlying root cause imbalances happening in your body. I am certified to read these labs.
They provide insights you just can’t get anywhere else.
- Candida, Metabolic+ Vitamins
- Mind & Body Neurotransmitters
- Mold Toxicity
- Food Sensitivities
- Stress, Sleep & Hormones
- Gut Bacteria & Parasite
- Stress, Mood, Metabolism
- Omega 3's & Inflammation
- Environmental Toxicity
- Minerals & Metals
- Toxic Heavy Metals
*Labs are optional

People are turning to inexpensive genetic testing to help find answers to their perplexing health issues.
Genomic testing can help illuminate the relationship between environmental and other epigenetic factors in an individual’s genetics to understand better the role genetics plays in wellness.
Learn about your potential genetic variants and how they may impact your overall health and wellness with an easy, DIY at-home lab test.
Includes: the lab test, interpretation, & education on targeted nutritional supplementation to compensate for genetic variants.
This add-on is not available separately. Must be combined with a coaching package. It’s not ideal to look at genomic testing in isolation. It’s merely another valuable tool in considering the full picture.

Renée has certifications and licenses in many focus areas of wellness, making her a preferred health coach. Bypass having to hire a separate personal trainer, posture specialist, massage therapist, healthy eating & lifestyle coach, or other wellness practitioners. She brings a multifaceted, integrated approach to wellness and a wealth of knowledge and experience that will benefit your employees and the company’s bottom line.

Save $ on health care costs

Reduce Time Loss

Great value add on to meetings
Let's discuss ways to incorporate health and wellness.

If individualized protocols aren’t the route for you, consider group health coaching.

Significant Cost Savings

Extend the invitation to friends and coworkers

Accountability partners are effective

Topics customized for your group
- 4-7 People -$40 Each Session
1 Hour Session
- 8-12 People -$30 Each Session
1 Hour Session
*Further discounts for multiple session commitments.

Health Certifications & Licenses
IHP was an extensive 18-month training focusing on diet, exercise, supplements, toxins, stress, mindset, lab interpretation and creating protocols. IHP training encompasses the following integrated disciplines:
Bioregulatory Medicine – The Science of Self-Healing and rebalancing.
Orthomolecular Medicine – The right molecules in the right amounts. It’s the science of vitamins & minerals as medicine.
Functional Medicine – Helping people at a functional – not disease level. Utilizing state-of-the-art lab testing to pinpoint underlying root causes.
Traditional Naturopathy – Using “Right Living” to rebalance the body and reverse illness.
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbalism – Using the power of herbs and energy practice to enhance overall wellness.
Ayurvedic Medicine – The Science of Life and body typing.
FXNA-Certification in Functional Nutrition
Developed and taught by Internationally acclaimed Functional Medicine Nutritionist Andrea Nakayama this holistic nutrition program gives their graduates the skills they need to work with any client, no matter their symptoms or diagnosis.
This 10 month Full Body Systems course went beyond reframing nutrition and further provided me with the systems and framework into which to problem solve and to THINK.
Functional Nutrition is a holistic method that goes beyond dietary theory, beyond herbal remedies alone, and beyond protocols, to encompass the whole person, their lifestyle, habits, history, and more.
After receiving my Massage license, I realized that the initial schooling predominately focused on relaxation and spa massage. But I needed to know more. I wanted to help eliminate pain rather than just alleviate it temporarily and I was curious to know the science behind it. So, I completed the most prestigious Medical Massage Certification in the U.S. with the Science of Massage Institute under Dr. Ross Turchaninov.
The typical term for this license is an Esthetician. The State of Florida calls this a Skin Care Specialist License.
Certified Personal Trainer with NASM - The National Academy of Sports Medicine.
HCI- Health Coaching Institute
Beginner and Advanced Lymphatic Drainage Massage Certifications.
Note: LD Masssage is VERY different from standard massage. Many massage therapists claim they are doing lymphatic drainage but if it feels like a typical massage (either relaxation, therapeutic or deep tissue) then it is NOT lymphatic drainage massage.
Additional Training
Educated on things such as brain fog, headaches, memory issues, taking longer to complete routine tasks.
The Center for Executive Coaching- Sarasota Florida
Myers Briggs Type Indicator
The MBTI® Certification Program delivers the foundational knowledge to effectively administer and interpret the most respected personality assessment in the world, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument.
The MBTI® instrument is a restricted assessment, meaning it can only be purchased and used by those who meet certain requirements.
Certified MBTI professionals use this powerful tool to help others in such areas as:
Personal growth and development
Career exploration and search
Executive coaching
Team building, and
Leadership development
Techniques from Dr. Ben Benjamin
The Gokhale Method uses healthy posture and movement to help you restore your structural integrity and regain a pain-free life. It addresses the postural root cause of most muscle and joint pain, so you can have a pain-free back, neck, hips, knees, feet...
Coming soon....
Additional courses on: Hormones, Liver Detoxification, Micropoint stimulation techniques (aka needless acupuncture), TBI/Post concussion treatment, and more

Renée grew up a military brat enjoying many years living overseas and was fortunate to experience other cultures. When she was stateside, she spent most of her childhood growing up in the southern United States, where at times she even sported an accent. Renée now calls Sarasota her home and spends her free time with her delectable (though hairless) Chinese Crested. He looks like Yoda so it’s fitting he was named, Jedi.
Before finding her passion as a personalized health strategist, Renée had an eclectic career. After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business, she became a professional photographer turned Private Investigator whose overarching goal in life was to help people in any way she could and have fun doing it. That goal found its niche in the science -or rather the art- of integrative health and wellness.
Renée’s career in integrative health evolved after she embarked upon her own mission to find the answers she needed to heal herself. She spent years feeling sick, was labeled with various conditions, and lived with chronic pain. She was shuffled around to different specialists, but no one was sincerely listening to her or able to provide her with answers that worked.
Renée realized that if she wanted to get better, it would mean figuring out how to pragmatically balance her body in a way that would allow it to heal itself. It was this realization that sent her down four years of rabbit holes, which inevitably led to her accomplishing extensive training in integrative health that reaches beyond the average health coach.
Long before her academic accomplishments in the wellness field, Renée has instinctively been a questioner of the health status quo and an avid researcher. She applies her creative mind to connect seemingly disparate ideas that on the surface may seem unrelated. She has a thirst that forever explores what is hidden, overlooked, or discarded as mere theory. Her passion is to connect the power of science with the body’s ability to do what it knows how to do best if given the right support; to heal itself.

As opposed to the conventional model that approaches each system of the body separately, I believe that a more integrated approach to wellness is key. I use the holistic framework that everything is connected and each system affects the others.
I do not give medical advice or diagnoses. What I share are the underlying root causes and imbalances that create dis-ease and poor health in the body. I use my years of training and extensive knowledge to review your symptoms, history, and at home labs to get to the bottom of what the imbalances are that contribute to your health issues. Taking into account your goals and lifestyle I then create a Science-Backed wellness plan for you that addresses those underlying root causes.
I make sense of it for you.

Savannah W
Specialists wanted to cut me open or prescribe me hormones, but after doing the at-home lab tests, Renée recommended a protocol that solved so many issues I had had for YEARS. She took the time to look into WHY my symptoms were there vs others I saw who just assumed I had issues that everyone else had. I am unique and Renée helped me develop a regimen that works for ME.

David G

Scott N
Become a Private Wellness Client
Coaching Session
Curious how I can help? Want to see if we are a good fit? Individual sessions are great for those who have started to understand their bodies and are looking for someone to turn to for answers. I offer an initial, stand alone session because wherever you’re at, I want to help.
- 3 sessions
- Wellness recommendations for your lifestyle
- Email support for questions related to the recommendations
- 1 Virtual/phone session
- Wellness recommendations to get your started
Health Review
I do a deep dive with you to discover everything that’s going on. This includes a behind the scenes review of your intake forms to connect the dots. Have labs? I’ll review those too and take it all into consideration when developing a personalized wellness plan to fit your individual needs and circumstances.
- 4 sessions
- Premier Case Review
- Personalized wellness Plan
- Complimentary jump start Gift ($150 value)
- Email support for wellness plan questions
- 2 virtual/phone sessions
- Premier Health Review
- Personalized Wellness Plan
- Email support for plan questions
$1350 Paid in Full
$1500 / 3 monthly payments
Monthly Coaching
Monthly coaching is ideal for those who want to continue realizing better health. I partner with you every step of the way to solve your present issues and propel you into a healthier tomorrow. It’s designed for existing clients who have already received a wellness plan or participated in at least 2 coaching sessions together.
- The Premier Package
- The “Big 5” Functional Medicine at home lab tests.
- Extra Lab Review sessions 4-6 Months of Supplements ($1500 value)
- 20% off All future Coaching
- Email support for wellness plan questions
- 1 virtual/phone session per month
- Updated wellness recommendations for your ongoing/new health concerns
- Email support for plan questions
$4750 Paid in Full
$5050 / 3 monthly payments
Per month

- Metabolic, Vitamins, Overgrowth
- Minerals & Metals
- Inflammation Test/Omega 3
$1050 if purchased separately- and
will include 2 sessions instead of 1

“The Big 5” Labs
- Candida, Metabolic, Vitamins
- Omega 3 and inflammation Test
- Stress, Mood ad Metabolism
- Minerals and Metals
- Food Sensitivity
- 1 extra Coaching Session to review labs
$1900 if purchased separately – and will include 2 sessions instead of 1

- Assessment (virtual)
- Corrective Exercise Plan & stretches to target the muscular imbalances that lead to pain & increase your risk of injury
- Demo/Education Session
- Follow up Session

My Yorkie, Molly, had runny eyes and inflammation. She couldn’t seem to lose weight, and although she loved going on adventures, her walks often had to be cut short. Then, Jedi, my hairless Chinese Crested, suffered from skin issues, constant itching, recurrent ear infections, acid reflux, intermittent vomiting, and anxiety. Numerous trips to the vet only amounted to ‘quick fixes’ to address the immediate reaction or infection. No one seemed to have the answers or could point me in the correct direction to permanently resolve these issues.
For months my weekends were consumed with research and trial and error with various protocols and products. Some worked, some didn’t, and some made the situation worse. With each step, I learned more and more. Coincidentally, this same time in my dog’s life overlapped with my new educational journey in integrative health. As I learned more in the human health arena, light bulbs went off, and more made sense about what was to blame for my pet’s health obstacles.
It was an eye-opening realization that many of the same concepts in our own human health apply to our pets as well. It breaks my heart to see animals uncomfortably dealing with health issues that don’t have to be a reality. Through my own pet’s journey, I discovered that some general guidelines should apply to all pets, but it’s essential to recognize that what works for one will not work for all. Each pet is unique, and I design the wellness plan around the individual pet and you as the provider. I’m here to be your guide. My goal is to save you the trial and error, the research time, and hopefully, a lot of heartache and frustration along the way.
$ 375 Includes: 3 sessions & wellness plan
Coaching Also Available for

Starting Package
3 sessions
6 sessions
Do something today that your future self will thank you for
After the initial sessions, additional sessions may be added 1 at a time
We can go the traditional coaching route together or our sessions on Love, Life, Dating, Relationship, Career, and Executive coaching can begin differently than with other coaches. As a coach certified in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI, we can take advantage of this highly praised system, and start the coaching off with this world-leading personality assessment. This helps you gain more awareness about yourself and those around you leading to more productive and successful sessions. Learning more about yourself and becoming aware of how others may see you are key steps for growth in many areas of our lives.
Traditional coaching that helps you dig deep to discover what truly drives you is fantastic on it’s own. But combined with understanding personality preferences and ways of taking in information, we can take coaching to a whole new level. When you understand personality preferences, you can more readily appreciate differences between you and people closest to you, such as spouses, partners, children, and friends. In most areas of life, when differences between you and another person are bothersome, you can avoid the other person in some way. But when that person is a loved one or close friend, you have a lot to lose by walking away.
Knowledge of personality type allows you to see those differences as just those —different ways of “being.” Instead of labeling a person
and putting value judgments on his or her behavior, you can learn to see it as behavior reflecting personality type, not something designed to offend you. Many people learn to appreciate these differences and often even begin to see them in a humorous light. So whether you are looking for traditional coaching or see the value in incorporating the MBTI approach, I am here to propel you forward into deeper understanding and growth.
most faq
- Do I need to order lab tests?
- Where do the sessions take place?
- Can we do sessions in person?
- Do you offer a 15 min. complimentary session for new clients?
- How does the Premier Health Review package differ from an Individual Coaching Session?
Do I need to order lab tests?
Lab tests are optional. We can accomplish a lot without them but they can also provide us with very detailed data. The insights they provide you just can’t get anywhere else. After implementing my recommendations, some health issues may resolve themselves making certain test ultimately unnecessary. That’s why I suggest we start with the top ones that I’ll recommend based off of your symptoms.
Additionally if you know you’re someone who really needs to see the proof/data to believe that particular change is truly necessary, then doing the tests in the beginning may actually save you money. The tests have a cost, but if you wait to do them later, you’ll need more coaching sessions to go over them and tailor them to your plan. You save on coaching sessions if we can consider them in the initial wellness plan.
I’ve also discovered that some clients need to mentally become connected to the reality of precisely what’s going on in their body in order to commit to making the adjustments. These lab tests provide that for them.
Where do the sessions take place?
The majority of my coaching sessions take place over the phone.
Can we do sessions in person?
For an additional charge, I am sometimes available to meet in person for coaching established clientele in the Sarasota area. I have to determine this on a case by case basis.
Do you offer a 15 min. complimentary session for new clients?
Yes! If we have met at a networking event, business lunch, out on a walk, etc. 🙂 Basically if we’ve met somehow in person, then I offer a complimentary 15 minute introductory session over the phone to see if it’s something that would be a good fit for you. If we have not met before in person, then I ask for a $15 good faith payment in order to schedule an introductory consult. Unfortunately this is the only way I’ve found to ensure I don’t get repeated no shows and other problems. That $15 can be applied toward any of my coaching sessions if you chose to move forward.
How does the Premier Health Review package differ from an Individual Coaching Session?
The Individual session does not include the Premier Case Review. This Review consists of a very in depth intake so I can understand EVERYTHING going on for you and all of your health history. There is also a second coaching session and my time spent outside of the session connecting the dots and developing an individualized wellness plan. The single session will have more generalized wellness recommendations. They still will be personalized for you as best I can from what I gather about you during our sessions. The individual session does begin with some intake to get to know you, but it does not involve any preliminary investigation or further discovery outside of the session.